Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hot and Cold

In the basic Hauschka regimen warm compresses are used to increase circulation, soften dead skin cells and relax the pores. A cool compress or splash after cleansing will constrict the pores and force any excess oils out, preparing the a skin for either toning or conditioning.
Hot and cold also have an impact on an emotional level, warm will relax and soothe and cool will energize and refresh.
Lately I noticed that I am rushing through my twice-daily ritual, not breathing and getting the full effect of the products, hurriedly splashing a bit of cold water on my face at the end. Although the lavender bath is great all year-round and for all skin types, there are times when the other baths in the line can be very beneficial.
A good alternative is the spruce bath. Spruce is also very relaxing but more importantly it promotes deep breathing which I really need help with. After doing five or six warm spruce compresses, (you can do just one but it feels so lovely after a long day so I do several) rinse your compressing cloth and bowl with cool water, then fill about 1/4 full of cool water and one squirt of lemon bath. Finish your regimen with five or six cool lemon compresses, inhaling deeply. You can also do a few on your neck, throat and decollete'. This feels especially nice during warmer months or during a fever or hot flash.
I usually only do the cool lemon compresses in the morning since it is too energizing for me in the evening. I do the cool splash in the evening.
It can be too expensive to collect every aromatherapy bath, so what you can do is purchase the kit (pictured above) and decide which baths you prefer. I can get about six uses or three days' worth for facial compressing and two full baths per glass vial, and you get one of each bath: lavender, lemon, spruce, sage, and rosemary. Rosemary is NOT for use on the face, it is far too warming and could be irritating.
Happy compressing!!