Friday, January 30, 2009

Skin Rhythm Spa Tip: Slow Down

shower woman Pictures, Images and Photos

I realized recently that I rush through my showers. I have many lovely natural products made with delicious essential oils but I don't usually take the time to enjoy them.

I'm always thinking about the next great product or reading about products I haven't yet tried. I thought about it and had to admit to myself that I already have enough products to last me the next five years (if only natural products could last that long!) so I decided to enjoy what I already have, especially since ( like most people) I am on a pretty tight budget.

This time of year is especially stressful for your skin so now is a good time for a little pampering!

I decided recently to commit to turning my regular shower into a spa experience once a week. Here's how you can do the same.

1. Dim the lights. Chances are you could do your shower routine in your sleep, so why not in the dark? Light a few candles and turn off the overhead light. This will automatically cause you to slow down and focus on each phase of your regimen.

2. Stay present. If you find yourself thinking to the day ahead (if it's morning) or to the events of your day (if it's evening) take a deep breath and try to focus on the sensation of the water and allow yourself to relax.

3. Choose the right products. If you are taking a shower in the morning use products that will help you feel awake and rejuvenated. Anything with citrus or mint is great. If it's evening choose products that will soothe and relax you. Lavender or geranium are both great choices. Are you off on a date or other special event? Try a sensual oil such as jasmine, rose, palmarosa or ylang ylang.

4. Breathe. As you lather your shampoo, rinse your conditioner or wash your face be sure to breathe deeply. Really take the time to inhale and enjoy the aroma of each of your yummy products.

5. Exfoliate. How do you feel when you leave the spa? Soft and relaxed, right? That's how you should feel after your weekly spa ritual. Be sure to slough off the dead cells from your entire body so you emerge feeling fresh and supple.

Don't have a pre-made exfoliant? Whip one up with any kind of oil mixed with brown or white sugar and a dash of any essential oil you have handy. (my husband swears that salt will eat our forty year old metal pipes) or use a loofah or wash cloth. For your face you can mix a bit of plain yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a bit of oatmeal--leave on about ten minutes and rinse off.

loofah Pictures, Images and Photos

6. Nourish. After you are fully rinsed apply any kind of oil (I have jojoba, coconut and olive oil on hand. Any of these are fine or you can use any body or massage oil you happen to have laying around) Don't rinse off, you will pat off excess as you towel-dry. Once you apply your regualar body lotion on top it will seal in moisture and leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.